Welcome to your safeguarding resource area. We will use this page to collate the updates, resources and courses that we share with you in the safeguarding newsletter. If you are a paid SFE Safeguarding Subscription Member, you can view premium content here.

*Blog for July 2024*

SG Newsletter Exclusive: How Can We Keep Our Children Safe Over the Summer Holidays?

In her recent blog, Education Adviser Lucie Welch discusses how we can prepare for the long break – including teaching children to keep themselves safe, working with parents and providing support.

Read the full blog here
Safeguarding Risks

Safeguarding Fact

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) reported a significant increase in sextortion cases, particularly involving children. In the first half of 2023 alone, they received 191 reports compared to just 30 for the entire year in 2022 (a 257% increase).

If you would like some more advice on this or any other safeguarding matter, contact us at safeguarding@servicesforeducation.co.uk

free safeguarding Podcast

Earlier this term, the National Crime Agency (NCA) issued an alert to thousands of schools and education settings following a significant rise in cases of financially motivated sexual extortion – or Sextortion as it is more commonly known.

But what is Sextortion? How might it impact you or your children? And what can you do to minimise the risk and protect the children in your setting?

Duration: 15 Mins

In this podcast, Education Advisers Lucie Welch & Emma Mudge discuss these questions and more, discussing how we stay vigilant, spot signs and symptoms and most importantly how we keep our children safe.



What are the likely implications for your school curriculum and pupils?

Whilst the new draft statutory guidance does have some interesting and welcomed features, there are also elements which seem to contradict much research and, perhaps crucially, go against what young people themselves have been saying for years about wanting more detail and earlier introduction to topics that have the potential to affect their lives. 

The important thing to remember is that this is currently draft guidance only. These changes have not yet come into force, and anyone, including parents, carers and young people, can read the draft version and respond to the consultation available here: Review of the RSHE statutory guidance – Department for Education – Citizen Space. The more people who respond, the more force there is to shape the future curriculum to support children and schools, so we at SFE do urge you to have a look and ensure your thoughts and views are heard.   

Safeguarding Advisers Lucie Welch and Jo Perrin discuss The New Draft RSHE Statutory Guidance in their recent blog.

The New Draft RSHE Statutory Guidance – What are the likely implications for your School Curriculum and Pupils?

Have you ever waited patiently for a Christmas or birthday gift, and despite the fact...

You may be aware that Ofsted have recently announced new changes to the School Inspections Handbook, detailing a number of updates.

Although the changes are minor, we’ve compiled a list of the updates and key changes for your setting to be aware of, from a safeguarding perspective.

Safeguarding Updates September 2023 

In September 2023 the school inspection handbook made changes to reflect the changes they have made in how they inspect safeguarding.  


  • Updated the monitoring policy to include early monitoring inspections and added new paragraphs on monitoring programmes for inadequate schools. 
  • They added a new section on monitoring programmes for schools judged inadequate solely due to ineffective safeguarding (early monitoring inspections). 
  • Added new paragraphs on deeming of monitoring inspections that are inadequate with serious weakness due to ineffective safeguarding and they stated that final feedback meeting for inadequate schools with serious weakness solely due to ineffective safeguarding. 

Safeguarding Updates October 2023

Building on from September’s updates, in October 2023 the school inspection handbook provided more detail on what evidence inspectors will ask schools to provide in relation to safeguarding, to prevent unnecessary workload for schools, they clarified that: 

  • Inspectors will want schools to provide details about adults living on school sites. 
  • They clarified that inspectors will look at attendance when carrying out ungraded inspections of schools. 
  • Minor changes to take account of the new Department for Education’s exclusions and suspensions guidance.  

All of these updates relate to safeguarding in its widest sense. 

Read more about the key changes and access the School Inspections Handbook here.

If Safeguarding is important to you and your school, you can keep up with the latest news and advice via our SFE Safeguarding Newsletter. 

You’re likely aware that The Department For Education has recently released the draft of its new statutory guidance for Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023.

Whilst the 2022 guidance is currently in force, the new guidance will come into force on the 1st September 2023.

Although there are no major additions as the DFE has said they want settings to embed current guidance fully, there are a few changes for DSLs and school staff to be aware of – we’ve compiled a few of the changes to be aware of below, to ensure the safety of all children in your setting.

The main proposed KCSIE changes

New Filtering and Monitoring Standards

This is the main updated section in the guidance. Schools and colleges must ensure that robust filtering and monitoring systems are in place and are reviewed annually to manage risks regarding the settings IT system.

This involves blocking harmful content, deploying effective monitoring strategies and assigning responsibilities to those within your setting.

This isn’t completely new, but the emphasis has changed and the guidance has been strengthened, especially and the management of monitoring your systems. DSLs are to have lead responsibility and all staff need training in this area.

Your CP policy needs to address this and governors hold strategic oversight. Guidance was updated in March 2023 which you should follow – you can find it here.

More guidance about Online Recruitment Checks

Schools and colleges should inform shortlisted candidates that they will conduct online searches, to identify the possibility of any public incidents that may need to be discussed with the candidate.

Organisations and Individuals Using School Premises

Guidance has been updated regarding safeguarding allegations made when an outside individual or organisation is in use of the school premises. School’s own safeguarding policies and procedures should be followed as well as ensuring the LADO is informed.

Student Absence

Terminology around children missing education has been clarified to talk about “persistently absent” children, missing education on repeat occasions.

Forced Marriage

Due to the law change in February 2023 which made any marriage under the age of 18 illegal, the language around Forced Marriage has been updated.


Have you booked your safeguarding training for 2023/24 yet?

Services For Education provide a wide range of safeguarding training courses throughout the year.

    Our safeguarding inset in schools will include key updates to statutory requirements and legislation, but schools can also identify topics which are relevant to them. This approach is bespoke to each setting’s individual need. Find out more here.
     If you’re a MAT looking for a consistent safeguarding training for all your academies, look no further. Services For Education can provide an online inset for you to share amongst your schools and ensure everyone is up to date with the latest. Get in touch to find out more.
    If you’re looking for value for money, our safeguarding subscription not only provides you with an online safeguarding inset, but also over 100 other webinars and resources about safeguarding. Updated every half term with new, up to date content, the safeguarding subscription will provide your school with everything it needs to fulfil it’s safeguarding requirements and ensure children are safe. Sign up here.

You may remember a project that we shared with you at the start of last year.

FGM and language – how the way in which we communicate about safeguarding issues and the choices we make when doing so affect the understanding and buy-in of the entire school community

The project, conducted by The University of Birmingham in conjunction with Services For Education and BAFGM (Birmingham Against Female Genital Mutilation), has commenced and we have already identified themes that occur or that are missing in many of the commonly used FGM educational resources.

We also led a working group with colleagues from the children’s workforce to discuss our findings and to talk through school staff’s lived experience of delivering these materials.

This month, we are sharing our initial findings with you in our latest blog:

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Language, Disconnect and Safeguarding Culture

Our funded research is now looking towards the next phase of the project, which will involve focus groups of young people within schools, followed by reports of feedback which we will share with materials developers.

Long-term we want to drill down on what impact the language used in educational resources has on understanding, and what language connects with young people and their families.

Our end goal is to identify resources that have more sensitivity and clarity and potentially long-term to develop specific resources, but we can’t do that until we have done this vital piece of in-depth work.

Find out more about the project here. and if you would like to get involved, please feel free to email us at safeguarding@servicesforeducation.co.uk

This month, our updates come to you in the form of our newest blog:

Keeping Children Safe In Education 2022 – what was new back in September and how do we really check we are adhering to it in our setting?

This guidance was last updated on 1st September 2022 when some key points were reworded or newly introduced. After a term of it being in force, it is a good time to reflect upon whether you and your staff are aware of and have acted upon those changes. Read more.

Access the KCSIE documentation here.


Download this free resource as a PDF

Download this free resource as a PDF

Due to the number of situations that can be termed as child exploitation, we have produced the following visual poster as a reminder for your staff.

Download this free resource as a PDF

This webinar, created by former SFE adviser Liz Bates, was created for all staff training purposes and raises awareness of some key safeguarding topics, including FGM. It delves into definitions, the law, origins and traditions, myths and facts, and what to do if you are worried about any of these areas within your school community.

This webinar was originally created for our Safeguarding Subscription for schools.

To join, and get access to over 40 webinars, plus safeguarding resources and blogs, sign up today.

*Please note, these podcasts were accurate at the time of recording.


The New Draft RSHE Statutory Guidance – What are the likely implications for your School Curriculum and Pupils?

Have you ever waited patiently for a Christmas or birthday gift, and despite the fact...

How to Talk to Children Whose Behavioural Signs Cause Us Concern?

“What’s happening to you?” not “What’s wrong with you?”: Discover how you can talk to...

Supporting Children with a Parent in Prison

The National Information Centre of Children of Offenders (NICCO) estimate that 310,000 children every year...

Safeguarding and Attendance Data – What Does New Research Tell Us?

You can’t seem to go a day without seeing an article in mainstream newspapers, not...

Parental Separation and Divorce – How Can We Best Support Children at the Centre?

Safeguarding Adviser Lucie Welch discusses the impact parental separation and divorce can have on children,...

Safeguarding Issues in the News – Downplaying Abuse and Neglect

Downplaying Abuse and Neglect – If we call lots of things “abuse,” do we downplay...

Child Abduction & Community Safety Incident – What Could They Look Like in Your Setting?

Annex B of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 mentions Child Abduction and Community Safety...

Safeguarding Issues in the News – Channel 4’s ‘I am Andrew Tate’ and How it Relates to Your Setting

Both teachers and students will likely have heard of Andrew Tate, along with his rise...

Tricky Safeguarding Topics and How to Tackle Them

Even as a DSL, it’s ok to admit that there are topics we don’t feel...

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 – what might it mean for us?

SFE Safeguarding Adviser, Jo Perrin, discusses the main updates to Working Together to Safeguard Children...

Addressing the Silent Crisis: Children Missing in Education

SFE Adviser, Lucie Welch, discusses children missing in education and the safeguarding risks presented, whether...

Emotional Abuse – Supporting Victims and Spotting the Signs

Safeguarding Adviser, Lucie Welch, discusses the signs of emotional abuse, the impacts, and how to...

Forced Marriage: Spotting The Signs

Safeguarding Adviser, Jo Perrin, discusses the changes in law regarding marriage in the UK, providing...

How Do We Measure Success in Safeguarding – Qualitative and Quantitative? 

Jo Perrin has written this blog to get you thinking about the types of data...

eCrime: How Teachers Can Combat Cyberbullying

With the rise of cyberbullying, we explore its definition and provide some practical advice on...

Updates to Ofsted’s School Inspection Handbook

Safeguarding Adviser, Jo Perrin, Provides an Overview of the Key Changes to the School Inspections...

Supporting Children Experiencing Bereavement

SFE Safeguarding Adviser and Emotional Health Expert, Lucie Welch, shares some of the key ways...

How to Make this Your Best Year for Safeguarding Yet

Safeguarding adviser, Lucie Welch, discusses how to hit the ground running this September with regards...

Supporting Children Who Have Experienced Domestic Abuse

SFE Safeguarding Adviser, Lucie Welch, discusses domestic abuse, its effects on children and how to...

Poverty or Neglect? Understanding The Signs

SFE Safeguarding Education Adviser, Lucie Welch, has created a free resource for schools discussing the...


As a Designated Safeguarding Lead, you are responsible for ensuring that safeguarding policies and procedures within your school are followed.

The lead DSL must be a senior member of the leadership team, with key responsibilities including:
Managing Policies, Processes and Procedures
Creating and regularly updating a comprehensive Safeguarding and Child Protection policy is key in education settings.
Staff Training
Your safeguarding provision will only ever be as strong as your weakest link, therefore it is essential that all staff receive regular and high-quality training, no matter their role with your setting.
Managing Partnerships
Collaboration is an essential part of safeguarding - not only with your team and your setting, but with parents, the community and external agencies as well.
Conducting Regular Reviews
By regularly reviewing your safeguarding procedures and processes, you can develop, strengthen and improve what you have to offer.
You can find out more about managing these responsibilities here.

Safeguarding is unequivocally one of the most important aspects of ensuring the safety of those within your setting - whether that be children, adults, or vulnerable adults.

Robust safeguarding policies and procedures not only protect students within your setting, but provide colleagues with a clear and coherent understanding as to what is expected of them when it comes to safeguarding.
Ensuring your school is compliant with the latest guidance regarding Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) is extremely important and should be monitored closely by your setting’s DSL.
You can find a summary of the latest updates here.

KCSIE 2021 says all staff should receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training which is regularly updated … at least annually.

In addition, all staff should receive safeguarding and child protection updates (via staff meetings, e-bulletins).

For DSLs and deputy DSLs (who need to be trained to the same standard) they need to have training that equips them with the knowledge and skills to carry out the role. The training needs to be updated at least every 2 years.

The world of safeguarding is fast-changing, and guidance is frequently updated to ensure the continued safety of those within your setting.

Packed full of actionable advice, our Safeguarding Newsletter will help keep you up to date with the latest legislation and guidance, featuring the following:

✔️ One completely free resource or blog which will support you with safeguarding at your school.

✔️ One quick-fire safeguarding tip, hint or fact for you to digest quickly, to provoke reflection and discussion on a featured topic.

✔️ One safeguarding event that you won’t want to miss.
You can find out more and sign up here.

Page Last Modified:  16/07/2024 13:17