Featured Posters
*Anti-Bullying Posters*
These printable posters can be used around your setting, to encourage children to be mindful, considerate and caring towards others.
download POSTER 1 download POSTER 2Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment
This poster can be used online or printed out to remind staff about the definitions and warning signs of sexual violence and sexual harrassment, and questions to ask in your setting.
download here1. Child protection essentials
This infographic reminds staff of eight key principles of safeguarding and child protection that sit behind all our approaches and processes. The infographic is in PDF so can be printed out if required.
download here2. A child has disclosed something, what do I do?
The point at which a child makes a disclosure to a member of staff can be difficult and a highly anxious time for staff. This infographic reminds staff of the five key stages in responding to a child or young people at the point of them making a disclosure.
download here3. Breadth of Sexual Abuse
There is a lot of media coverage about sexual abuse and there is a lot of terminology used to describe different types. This infographic names some of them which you can use to start discussions about staff understanding and identify future training needs.
download here4. Types of Abuse and Neglects
This is a longer set of posters designed for you to print out and use as part of a staff display or to include in your training. We have given descriptions of the main categories of abuse and neglect with some possible signs and symptoms for each.
DOWNLOAD HERE5. What is Safeguarding?
This poster reminds staff in all roles of how the different aspects of their role can contribute to keeping children safe and reminds them of actions they should be taking if something is of concern. It can be downloaded or printed for ease of use.
download here6. Disclosure is not a one-way communication
This resource acts as a quick reminder of how staff can support children with a cycle of disclosure through their own body language and verbal communication – rather than just presuming it is something for the child to “do” or “say”.
Download hERE7. Safeguarding Acronyms
The world of safeguarding is complex. Certain topics crop up again and again and tend to get shortened for speed – but this can appear overwhelming!
This useful poster can be downloaded and put up somewhere for all of your staff to see and details an alphabetical list of common Safeguarding Acronyms.
download here