The Education Endowment Fund recently published the Covid-19 Support Guide for Schools which details the various ways that ‘Catch Up’ Funding can be used to enhance and support a recovery curriculum for pupils when they return to school. One of their suggestions is interventions.

At Services For Education, we work with Oxford University Press to provide Project X Code, a reading intervention programme targeted at struggling readers in Years 2 and 4. High-quality training for teaching assistants or teachers enables them to have a dramatic effect on children’s learning and schools to secure maximum impact from the intervention.

for more information

If you would like to find out more about our interventions, click on the pictures above, or visit our informational page here. We offer all of the above on a bespoke basis to fit the needs of your school. To find out more about this, please email us.

about the course leader - Denise harris

Denise Harris - Services For Education - School Support and Teacher TrainingDenise has 25 years’ experience as a qualified teacher (B.Ed, Hons) working in schools and an Education Action Zone. She became a local authority primary consultant in 2003 with a focus on mathematics and assessment.

In this role she gained accreditation as an Every Child Counts (ECC) Teacher leader and was awarded an MA in Early Mathematics from Edge Hill University. She has also successfully completed the NCETM Primary Professional Development Lead Support Programme gaining recognition as being accredited and up-to-date on current thinking on national mathematics priorities.

The focus of her current role is the management and delivery of the statutory assessment contract for moderation and monitoring on behalf of Birmingham LA. Through this role, and as an active member of AAIA, she works closely with other moderation managers both locally and nationally.

If you would like more advice from Denise at


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CPD Certified

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Dealing with Loss and Bereavement


blog posts

A Recovery Curriculum: Ready to Progress?

A key part of the return to school is how we create the best environment,...

A Recovery Curriculum – Beyond the Re-Opening of Schools

There has been much written and said about the need to prioritise the meeting of...

Back to School: How Can We Best Support Children?

Journeys forward are always shaped by where you’ve been. The last three months have created...

Page Last Modified:  13/11/2024 00:00